IEI Welcomes Your Visiting to SAVE Verona 2019 in Italy

Oct 21, 2019

IEI Event News
IEI Welcomes Your Visiting to SAVE Verona 2019 in Italy

IEI Welcomes Your Visiting to SAVE Verona 2019 in Italy

IEI Integration Corp. sincerely invites you to visit IEI's regional partner – Contradata No. Booth 120-121 during the “SAVE Verona 2019” from 23th to 24th October 2019. The exhibition will be held in the Veronafiere - Centro Congressi "Palaexpo", Italy.

Contradata will introduce IEI's latest AI accelerator family cards. It features with compact size, high performance and low power consumption to enhance the AI deep learning, inference service and edge computing capability. Compliant with IEI AI ready hardware, IEI is able to provide additional computational power plus end-to-end solution to run your tasks more efficiently. It is ideal for apply in AI fields such as surveillance, video recognition, machine vision and optical inspection.

See you soon at SAVE 2019!

Product Highlight

Mustang-F100-A10 FPGA accelerator card Mustang-V100 VPU accelerator card
Mustang-F100-A10-R10 Mustang-V100-MX8-R10
Intel® Arria® 10 FPGA 8 x Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU
Mustang-V100-MX4 VPU Accelerator card Mustang-MPCIE mpcie accelerator card
Mustang-V100-MX4-R10 Mustang-MPCIE-MX2-R10
4 x Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU 2 x Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU

Exhibition Summary

date Date 23 - 24 October 2019
time Time 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
venue Venue Veronafiere - Centro Congressi "Palaexpo"
booth Booth No. 120-121