

IEI Products are Windows 11 Ready to Help You Move to the Next Evolution of IoT

Dec 24, 2021

Microsoft announced the release of the new operating system, Windows 11, in October. IEI has tested Windows 11 on our products over the past ...

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IEI 平板电脑助力制药生产线

Dec 15, 2021


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Nov 29, 2021


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IEI Release the New AI Box PC: HTB-210-Q470

Nov 25, 2021

The HTB-210-Q470 has a professional heat dissipation system designed for the internal GPU card, enabling high-performance AI computing in a ...

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IEI Launched the Latest 24” Medical Panel PC — POCi-W24C-ULT5

Nov 23, 2021

The POCi series is a medical panel PC featuring AI, edge computing with rich expansion functions. It is ideal to work in many kinds of medic ...

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欢迎参加 2021 年 IEI 医学网络研讨会

Nov 22, 2021


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IEI 医学影像管理系统荣获 2022 年台湾精品奖!

Nov 10, 2021

IEI Integration Corp. is proud to announce that the POCi-W22C-ULT5 Medical Image Management System has won the Taiwan Excellence Award 2022. ...

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AI 人群监控系统

Oct 25, 2021


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IEI 推出搭载 Coral Edge TPU ™ 的全新 AI 加速器 PCIe 卡——Mustang-T100

Aug 18, 2021

领先的边缘计算解决方案供应商之一IEI今天宣布,IEI和Coral合作,通过为人工智能开发者提供一个更容易的平台来扩大边缘人工智能业务。Coral产品通过设备上的ML加速技术提供高计算能力和低功耗,帮助开发者为边缘建立快速、高效和经济的解决方案。 ...

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IEI Launched The Latest AI Accelerator Card with Coral Edge TPU™ - Mustang-T100

Aug 02, 2021

The Mustang-T100 integrated five Coral TPU modules in a real compact size PCIe card with half-height and half-length, and offered well compu ...

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